Setting up a provider/app

  1. Create your account on and choose the type service provider

  2. Fill in your Org settings, Privacy policy URL, Terms Url and logo will be user

  3. Create an app, fill in all details including returnUrl

  4. Ask us to authorise your app

  5. Go back to your app and copy the authorization url which will look as such

  6. Visit this url and test with your user, you should now see an authorised user

  7. You can now listen to webhooks events such as

    • appAuthorized

    • patientUpdated

    • sampleUpdated

    • appDeauthorized

  8. Configure webhooks and API keys in the integration tab

  9. Test by authorizing your user, creating and updating patient details there is no way to test sampleUpdated without doing a real test but we can help you with that.

  10. That's it! Support is here

Last updated